The new EO Orbit and Attitude Adapter v1.1 (for the Mission CFI Software) has been released!

The software is available for downloaded here, with the release notes available here.

Here is a summary of new features and problems solved in version 1.1:

New Features

  • Upgraded EO Orbit and Attitude Adapter to use EOCFI v4.17 / DFDL4S
  • Added ability to process input data from byte array
  • Added inconsistency check applicable to Orbit and Attitude data
  • Enabled inversion of transformation provided in NAVATT to align with EOCFI convention
  • Enabled time initialization based on IERS Bulletin B
  • Added support for all missions supported by EOCFI 4.17

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected the XML schemas used to validate the Adapter configuration file

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