OpenSF v4.0.0 has been released and can be downloaded here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
New Features & Improvements
- Upgraded supported platforms to macOS 11 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Upgraded reference build/test tools for OSFI and OSFEG libraries
- All platforms: CMake 3.18, Python 3.7
- Linux: GCC 7.4 (C, C++, Fortran)
- macOS: AppleClang 13.0 (C, C++), GCC 10.3 (Fortran)
- Added new Graphical dynamic execution view
- Added new Graphical simulation processing chain editor
- Enabled file-based rules to customise module parameters visibility
- Enabled copying log messages from both openSF and Parameter Editor
- Enabled copying parameters name, path and value in Parameter Editor
- Enabled clearing log messages in Parameter Editor
- Upgraded MariaDB client to version 3.0.4
- Added new warning on DB export when module/IO paths are not relative to E2E_HOME
- Updated visual design of openSF (splash screen, icons, about dialog)
- Added new tutorial on "How to deliver a E2E simulation" in User Manual
- Added details regarding how to customise openSF branding in User Manual
- Corrected perturbed marked parameters in the simulation parameters table
- Corrected hangup in command-line execution of simulation
- Removed unused XSD-based module validation from openSF
- Corrected "Cancel" and "Save as..." buttons behavior in Parameter Editor
- Corrected behavior handling similarly-named parameters in Parameter Editor
- Corrected customisation of Global Configuration File parameters visibility
- Corrected unusable openSF dialogs in Windows with certain values of screen scaling
- Corrected simulation execution scheduler to handle breakpoints deterministically
- Corrected configuration handling to allow saving perturbations in statistical mode
All Release Notes are available here