New Release Announcement - OpenSF v3.5.2
Version 3.5.2 of OpenSF has been released and can be downloaded here.
Release Notes are available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
The following is a short list of new features and corrections:
New Features
- Improvements in Timeline Management
- Improvements in Parameter Editor (custom attributes support)
- Mac OS X: Perturbation Info dialog box fixed
- Parameter Editor issues
New Release Announcement - EOCFI v4.12
Version 4.12 (C, C++, Java Libraries) of the Earth Observation Mission CFI Software (v4.X branch) has been released and can be downloaded here.
Release Notes are available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
The following is a short list of new features and problems solved:
New Features
- xl_time_ascii_to_ascii function: 9999-12-31T23:59:59 (and similar) is now accepted as End of Mission string
- Improvements in run-time of xp_target_list_inter function
- Improvements in run-time of DEM intersection algorithm
- Support for Earth Observation Ground Segment File Format Standard version 3.
- Improvements in Orbit State Vector Extrapolation
- Extrapolation enabled in Attitude / Quaternions computations
- New function for Orbit State Vector (OSV) sanity check
- New file type: Field of View configuration
- Update of Attitude Definition File format
- TLE designator updated for Sentinel-1B
- New function to set the time step used for S/C visibility computations
Major problems solved
- 647: targetReflected method: unexpected fail.
- 655: targetInter method: memory leak in Java API.
- 658: Error/Warnings reading Doris files for Sentinel-3. (this problem has been reported by the Sentinel-3 IPF Team).
New Release Announcement - OpenSF v3.5.1
Version 3.5.1 of OpenSF has been released and can be downloaded here.
Release Notes are available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
The following is a short list of new features:
- Corrected location of StartTime parameter of timeline segment
- Removed default file/parameters in timeline configuration
New Features
- Load of (existing) timeline scenario file
- The timeline configuration is now persistent
- Improved compliance with ESA generic E2E simulator ICD Issue 1.2.1 (e.g. naming of Timeline configuration xml parameters).
New Release Announcement - SAMIEdit v1.1.2
Version 1.1.2 of SAMIEdit (SAtellite MIssions 3D visualisation application) has been released and can be downloaded here.
Release Notes are available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
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