New Release Announcement - EOCFI v4.14
Version 4.14 (C, C++, Java Libraries) of the Earth Observation Mission CFI Software (v4.X branch) has been released and can be downloaded here.
Release Notes are available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
The following is a short list of new features and problems solved:
New Features
- Support for new mission: FLEX
- Tools and functions for generation of orbit and attitude file: TLE file is allowed as input
- Orbit propagation (e.g. xo_osv_compute function): when the orbit Id is initialised with a TLE file it is allowed to propagate after 1 day of the TLE epoch
- Visibility library, xv_zonevistime_compute function: visibility segments can be calculated also with a ROF (Restituded Orbit File) covering less than one orbit
- Visibility functions: visibility segments can be computed with a new instrument swath geometry defined by azimuth and incidence angle
- The Swath Definition File format has been extended to support a new geometry type: Incidence angle
- New attitude model: MetOp-SG
- New functions to convert CCSDS Unsegmented Time Code (CUC) to processing time (and vice-versa)
- Support for Jason-CS Doris files
- Function xv_gen_scf (Visibility library) generates SCF files compliant with ESOV supported format
- New function xp_free_target_id_data (Pointing library) to release data of xp_target_id_data type
Major problems solved
- 656 - Zone visibility function does not calculate all segments when using TLE file (Problem reported by the ESOV development team)
- 684 - ANX MLST calculated by the xo_orbit_info is not correct when an Orbit Scenario File with MLST drift different from zero is used
- 703 - targetListInter crash when no Intersection between LOS vector and Earth Surface (Problem reported by the EPS-SG INR team (EUMETSAT))
- 704 - xo_orbit_init_def: wrong validity time (Problem reported by the ESOV development team)
- 708 - targetListInter: exception when no solution is found
New Release Announcement - DFDL4S Java Library v1.4.2
Version 1.4.2 of the DFDL4S Java Library has been released and can be downloaded here.
Release Notes are available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
New Features
Methods to get / set the value of an element by its intrinsic type (e.g. integer, floating point);
Methods to get / set the value of an element by a specific representation (e.g. array of bytes or hexadecimal string);
Methods to get the properties of an element.
ESA generic E2E simulator ICD v1.2.3 Issued
Version 1.2.3 of the "ESA generic E2E simulator Interface Control Document" has been issued and can be downloaded from here
New Release Announcement - OpenSF v3.7
Version 3.7 of OpenSF has been released and can be downloaded here.
Release Notes are available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
New Release Announcement - EOCFI v4.13
Version 4.13 (C, C++, Java Libraries) of the Earth Observation Mission CFI Software (v4.X branch) has been released and can be downloaded here.
Release Notes are available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
The following is a short list of new features and problems solved:
New Features
- TLE designator updated for Sentinel-2B
- Support for EO Ground Segment File Format Standard version 3
Major problems solved
- 657: Wrong cycle number (increased or decreased) when appending orbital change with longitude jump
- 662: OrbitExtra calculation with TLE: some parameters (e.g. MLST) are not computed properly
- 680: Attitude compute method does not check OSV Co-ordinate system and assumes EF (C++,JAVA)
- 682: Java API: targetListInter memory leak
- 686: Warning is not raised when attitude is computed and quaternions are extrapolated
- 688: Problems in gen_rof: does not check step > 0; with orbit range as input, 1st OSV has Z < 0
- 691: Attitude::getAttitudeData() does not properly calculate RPY with quaternions initialisation
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