New Release Announcement - ESOVNG v2.5.2
Version 2.5.2 of ESOVNG (Swath and Orbit Visualisation tool) has been released and can be downloaded here.
Release Notes are available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
Note: Please check the latest orbit file versions available here.
ESA public source licenses
ESA standard licenses for Open Source and Community software have been updated to version 2.3 and are available at
Global Digital Elevation Models
A summary of reference Global Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and their characteristics is now available at
New Release Announcement - ESOVNG v2.5.1
Version 2.5.1 of ESOVNG (Swath and Orbit Visualisation tool) has been released and can be downloaded here.
Release Notes are available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
Note: Please check the latest orbit file versions available here.
New Release Announcement - OpenSF v3.7.3
OpenSF v3.7.3 has been released and can be downloaded here.
Release Notes are available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
New Features
- OpenSF is now available for Windows 10
- Enabled grouping of execution results for iteration/perturbation-based sessions
- Enabled grouping of execution results for timeline-based sessions
- Enabled progress summary view for multiple executions sessions (e.g. timeline-based and iteration/perturbation-based sessions)
- instead of opening multiple dedicated progress tabs - Enabled concurrent execution of independent modules in iteration/perturbation sessions
- Added XSD Validation in OpenSF and OSFI; enabled XSD validation in Parameter Editor
- Updated the Database access layer to make it independent of the DBMS (Database Management System)
- Adoption of 'ESA Community License Type 3' for openSF software distribution
- Consolidated the timestamp format used for output filenames and folders
- Fixed ability to edit timeline segments (previously unable to edit due to overlapping empty tooltip)
- Added check to avoid setting timeline to empty
- Harmonization of the display of timestamps throughout the application
- Corrected incorrect mismatch error for Time arrays in Parameter Editor
- Updated the Timeline-based example in the validation test dataset
- Consolidated list of product tools in the validation test dataset
- Fixed behaviour when applying new application preferences (on MacOS)
- Fixed rendering issues of some table widgets (e.g. Log)
- Parameter Editor button icon was updated to 'pi'
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